If you’re like a lot of my customers you’ve probably spent years (or even generations) amassing pictures, mirrors and family photographs, hanging things slowly over time as they come into your life. Having taken everything down to move, redecorate or renovate, the thought of having to rehang everything all at once is overwhelming. I get most of my enquiries from customers who’d like me to take care of this for them.
When I arrive at your home we can approach the process of rehanging everything in a couple of ways. The first thing we’ll do is look at all of your photographs, artwork, mirrors etc. and talk about where you might like to hang things. Some customers are clear where they want everything to go and would like me to make sure everything is hung straight and in proportion with the rest of the room. Other customers have some idea where they want things but would like me to make suggestions and help guide the process. I approach every house like it’s a gallery, considering the relationship between the other artwork in the room as well as the existing decor and lighting.
While I’m hanging your work I’ll often check in with you about particular pieces. It’s important that the height and position of work within a room is something you’re happy with. I’ll suggest what I think works and explain why and together we’ll work out the best position for you.
Renovating or moving brings a degree of upheaval or change. When you finish rehanging everything it calms the space, brings it back to life and gives you a sense of completion.